Co-Roasting Booking Terms and Conditions
Criteria Coffee Pty Ltd, ACN 624 079 063 (hereinafter referred to as “Criteria Coffee”) TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the co-roasting booking system (Book it live)
Please note our Terms and Conditions for roasting session bookings below.
You agree that the following terms govern your use of our booking service (Book it live). Please note that your use of our booking system constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by these terms express or implied.
1. Membership Confirmation.
All bookings, casual or recurring must be made by a registered co-roasting member or authorised company representative. The co-roasting member must have a valid membership in order to receive their Book it Live log in details from Criteria Coffee.
The co-roasting member must have accepted their membership ‘Letter of Offer’ acknowledging their acceptance of our membership Terms and Conditions. If you require another copy of the membership Terms and Conditions please email
Members will be required to change their password upon receipt.
2. Booking a Roaster
Members can book for roasting sessions separately and concurrently on the following equipment:
IR2.5 (maximum 10kg roasted per hour)
IR12 – Silver unit (maximum 40kg roasted per hour)
IR12 – Black unit (maximum 40kg roasted per hour)
Each roaster will complete 1 batch in approximately 15 minutes. Therefore 4 batches can be made in the first hour, with 15 minute batches booked thereafter.
Booking times can be made in your desired ACTIVE roast time, eg 4 batches (60min), 5 batches (75min), 6 batches (90min) etc.
Booking example: Member 1 wants to roast 6 batches on the IR12
The booking time made via Book it Live = Select duration of 6 batches (90min), choose IR12 (Silver or Black), select day/date from calendar, select ACTIVE ROAST start time from option list. Submit.
Booking example: Member 2 wants to roast 2 small batches on the IR2.5 and 10 larger batches on the IR12 in the same day.
The booking time is made via Book it Live = Select duration of 2 batches (30min), choose IR2.5, select day/date from calendar, select ACTIVE ROAST start time from option list. e.g 9:00-9:30am. Submit.
Select 2nd session for IR12 = Select duration of 10 batches (150min), choose IR12 Silver, select same day/date from calendar, select ACTIVE ROAST start time from option list. e.g 9:30am-12:00pm Submit.
NOTE: to create the most time efficient bookings, when changing between roaster equipment (ie IR12 and IR2.5) book the closest session time to avoid any unnecessary wait time.
If you have difficulty calculating your roast time or finding a suitable session please contact us at
3. Minimum Roast Session Time
If your membership is for roasting at an hourly rate, the minimum use is 1 hour and the minimum unit of measure is 15 minutes after the first hour. For example, 1hr and 40 minutes will be charged at 1hr 45 minutes.
This applies to all roasters, expect where a members is booking both the IR12 and IR2.5 in the one session at which time, they can book a minimum 1 hour for the main volume and 15 min intervals for the 2nd roaster.
4. Maximum Roast Session Time
Members can book any time available on the Book it Live system, final roasts are requested to be made within our standard hours of operation Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm. If extra roast time outside standard hours is needed, please contact Criteria Coffee to discuss the availability.
5. Arrival Times and Active Roast Time.
Bookings made via Book it Live cover the ACTIVE roasting time – that is the time spent using the roaster.
Time EXCLUDED from your booking is all time spent weighing out green coffee, packaging coffee and conducting quality control.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your ACTIVE booked roasting time to weigh out your coffee to allow for smooth running of the facilities and roasting schedules.
6. Casual Bookings
Casual bookings can be made via the Book it Live system up to 24 hours prior to the roasting session commencement time.
If less than 24 hours notice is given, the booking request will need to be made in writing to and will be granted based on availability.
You acknowledge that recurring members may be given priority over casual members for a booking time.
Criteria Coffee will use best endeavours to accommodate all requests.
7. Recurring Bookings.
Ongoing/Recurring bookings will be established by Criteria Coffee usually at the commencement of a membership.
Each member acknowledges this roasting time will be ongoing at the agreed frequency until such time that Criteria Coffee or the co-roasting member cancels their membership.
8. Overtime for recurring and existing bookings.
If a member needs to extend an existing roasting session, extra ACTIVE roasting time will be granted only if available. We ask that members check availability via Book it Live app or contact Criteria coffee at to add additional roast time to their session/ Criteria Coffee will use best endeavours to accommodate all requests. If the additional roasting time can’t be extended due to overlapping scheduling, an additional casual roasting session can be made via the booking system for another date/time. Extra time can be booked in 15 minute intervals for this purpose (1 hour minimum an be waived).
8. Member Orientation and Safety Induction
Only members that have completed their safety induction along with the ‘Fit to operate’ questionnaire will be permitted to use the facilities.
If a member is booking for their first session, additional time will be allocated for the induction to occur.
10. Cancellations.
A roast session cancellation request can be made up to 24 hours before the booking commencement time. Members can cancel their booking request via the ‘Book it Live’ system or in writing to
If less than 24 hours notice is provided Criteria Coffee reserves the right at their discretion to bill unused roasting time to the member.
In accordance with our Membership Terms and Conditions, if a member wishes to cancel their membership, no less than 5 Business Days’ Written Notice must be given, if active bookings are scheduled. If less than 5 days notice is given members will be required to pay for all booked roast sessions within that time frame.
11. Roasting Transformation Fee
If a member is not able to staff/attend a session, Criteria staff can roast on behalf of a member for a roasting transformation fee charged at $1.00 per kg (added to your hire invoice). If you’d like Criteria to roast for you please call/email Craig.
12. Payments
In accordance with our Membership Terms and Conditions, the member agrees to pay all fees as set out in the membership agreement.
13. Change of Roasting Times at Criteria Coffee Request.
On occasion Criteria Coffee may need to close the facility for reasons such as (but not limited to) Public Holiday Closures, Maintenance, Training Events, Corporate Events. Criteria Coffee will contact members to reschedule their roasting session or find another suitable roasting arrangement to suit the members coffee supply needs. We appreciate all members cooperation and understanding.